

Encapsulate a plugin instance as well as some metadata.


class yapsy.PluginInfo.PluginInfo(plugin_name, plugin_path)

Representation of the most basic set of information related to a given plugin such as its name, author, description…

Any additional information can be stored ad retrieved in a PluginInfo, when this one is created with a ConfigParser.ConfigParser instance.

This typically means that when metadata is read from a text file (the original way for yapsy to describe plugins), all info that is not part of the basic variables (name, path, version etc), can still be accessed though the details member variables that behaves like Python’s ConfigParser.ConfigParser.


The instance associated with the details member

variable is never copied and used to store all plugin infos. If you set it to a custom instance, it will be modified as soon as another member variale of the plugin info is changed. Alternatively, if you change the instance “outside” the plugin info, it will also change the plugin info.

Ctor Arguments:


is a simple string describing the name of the plugin.


describe the location where the plugin can be found.


The path attribute is the full path to the

plugin if it is organised as a directory or the full path to a file without the .py extension if the plugin is defined by a simple file. In the later case, the actual plugin is reached via plugin_info.path+'.py'.

property author
property category

DEPRECATED (>1.9): Mimic former behaviour when what is noz the first category was considered as the only one the plugin belonged to.

property copyright
property description
property details
property is_activated

Return the activated state of the plugin object. Makes it possible to define a property.

property name
property path

Set the version of the plugin.

Used by subclasses to provide different handling of the version number.

property version
property website